The Story Behind the Poem
God’s ways never cease to amaze me!
One day I was dusting and cleaning the house and I started speaking the above words… and then I realized they were rhyming!! It then struck me that God was giving me these words – and I could barely keep up! So I said: “Wait, God! Just a minute – I need to get paper and pencil and write it down!” I then wrote down what I was hearing right away. Then I had it printed… and reprinted many times. I just could hardly believe I was just cleaning my house and the Lord gave me such a great poem to share with others!
I personally remember the outside gatherings at my Grandmother’s house on Sundays with all the family. It was pretty fun – so many different personalities in families, as you know!
Hopefully, my painting and my poetry will bring you a fun memory of times past, but also an urgency to aright your relationship with the Lord.
I am so amazed that God took me – just a country girl who loved to climb trees and didn’t know much about the outside world – and allowed me to travel to 11 countries and cross the Atlantic 3 times! And then He healed me from Stage 4 breast cancer and made me a missionary right here in my own hometown at the Roanoke Star (and arranged for me to be born into the family that designed the Star). And He gave me creative abilities, too! He is so easy to talk to – I talk to Him all the time and He talks back!!
I just want everyone to know how very much He cares for each one of us and He is waiting to have a conversation with you, too!
Not only did He give me a book about my life to share, He helped me with my paintings.
I pray He touches your heart today and you talk to Him and become His child – forever!
See you at the Great Banquet in heaven!!!